Unfortunate moustache.. ...although they can be hazardous, too.
Barack Obama - still got it.
David Cameron? Not so much.
Jose Mourinho - never knowingly underwhelmed.
"You shall not pass!" Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan enjoy an NBA game. With no passing.
First rule of getting an NME award? Don'ttalk about getting an NME award break it.
"Yes, the peasants are over there, your royal highness..."
High five! In a slightly scary way!
The Skiing Human Centipede - sadly the most unbroadcastable of Winter Olympic sports.
"Our five secret weapons are..." Cameron wasn't impressed with Ed Miliban's 'Spanish inquisition' reenactment.
Still, it was better than Douglas Alexander's 'You're not the messiah, you're a very naughty boy' routine with Clegg.
Pharrell Williams still wearing that hat? Still funny.
Is it just us, or has Louis Tomlinson turned into a 1980s German exchange student?
"I'm getting the colour blue... and the letter H... and a run for President in 2016." Hillary wowed the crowd with her new-found medium techniques.
To be honest, we think we'd be this upset if someone turned up in the same outfit as us, too.
Because fingers are useful things when it comes to meeting politicians...
Barack Obama - still got it.
David Cameron? Not so much.
Jose Mourinho - never knowingly underwhelmed.
"You shall not pass!" Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan enjoy an NBA game. With no passing.
First rule of getting an NME award? Don't
"Yes, the peasants are over there, your royal highness..."
George Osborne - man of the people. Rich people, that is.
"And I said to him - David. David, I said..." But sadly, the Queen has heard it all before.
"Our five secret weapons are..." Cameron wasn't impressed with Ed Miliban's 'Spanish inquisition' reenactment.
Still, it was better than Douglas Alexander's 'You're not the messiah, you're a very naughty boy' routine with Clegg.
Pharrell Williams still wearing that hat? Still funny.
Is it just us, or has Louis Tomlinson turned into a 1980s German exchange student?
"I'm getting the colour blue... and the letter H... and a run for President in 2016." Hillary wowed the crowd with her new-found medium techniques.
To be honest, we think we'd be this upset if someone turned up in the same outfit as us, too.
One of these is a one-dimensional figure. The other is a Simpsons character.
Meanwhile, back at the NME awards, Lily Allen tries to stop Deborah Harry breaking hers, too.