Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Crazy Things Done In 'Grand Theft Auto V'

"Grand Theft Auto V" has been out for a week and has already sold more than $1 billion in games.

We're having a tough time getting through the main storyline of the game because there are so many distractions to keep us preoccupied.

Racing super fast cars. Visiting the Playboy mansion. Kicking mountain lions. Distractions!

Saying it's loads of fun and that there are a lot of wild things to do is an understatement.

In an effort to express the insane amount of variety to be found in GTA V, we've compiled some of the craziest things we've done so far and some ridiculous adventures and actions we've seen others accomplish.

So if you have something ridiculous you've done while playing the game, send me an image - or link to a video - along with a sentence or two describing what you did and what makes it so crazy.
Someone stole a tank …
Someone stole a tank …
 … destroyed an airport …
… and took down two police helicopters.
 ... on one of these dirt bikes.
Everyone gets to blow up a Mark Zuckerberg doppelganger.
 How does something like this even happen?
 Let's just say, it didn't end so well.
Maybe we should have tried this instead: "Gona [sic] get a fast car, drive up to Mount Chilliad, and drive off the top and play Tom Petty's song 'Free Fallin.'"
 Rob a liquor store and hightail it from the cops — because when do you get the chance to do that in real life?
Another player hijacked a jet plane ... 
... only to get blown up by a missile.
 After a few fails, we made a stunt jump from street level onto a highway.
 Getting to the blimp is the easy part. Getting off? Not so much.
 I kicked a mountain lion (turns out you can't pet them) and was quickly mauled.
 Have something ridiculous you've done while playing GTA V? Share it with us!